Speeding Towards Product-Market Fit: The Key to Startup Survival

Imran Ahmad
2 min readJul 1, 2023


In the fast-paced world of startups, the early days are the riskiest. It’s a time when many ventures face the possibility of failure before they can achieve product-market fit. As a startup guy, I understand the challenges of this critical stage firsthand. There is no manual for navigating the journey, but I’ve learned valuable lessons from experienced entrepreneurs along the way. Today, I want to share some key insights that can help the next generation of founders and CEOs increase their odds of success.

The Baby Turtle Analogy:
Imagine baby turtles hatching on a beach, destined to reach the safety of the ocean. Crossing the treacherous shore poses a significant threat to their survival. Similar to early-stage startups, their journey starts with vulnerability and uncertainty. However, once a baby turtle makes it to the water, its chances of survival increase dramatically. The same principle applies to startups: reaching product-market fit is like reaching the ocean, offering a greater likelihood of thriving.

The Need for Speed:
To enhance your startup’s chances of survival and success, the key lies in accelerating your journey to product-market fit. Speed is essential. Many entrepreneurs find it challenging to ship quickly and frequently, as it often means delivering unfinished products. The fear of looking bad or disappointing customers holds them back. However, this mindset couldn’t be further from the truth.

The Power of Feedback:
By shipping fast and putting your product into customers’ hands, you enable a valuable feedback loop. The faster you gather feedback, the quicker you can iterate and improve. Your customers become your compass, guiding you towards the optimal solution that aligns with market demands. Embrace imperfections, for it is through imperfections that you uncover opportunities for growth.

The Ocean of Product-Market Fit:
Product-market fit is the ultimate goal for any startup. It is the point where your offering resonates perfectly with your target audience’s needs and preferences. Achieving product-market fit ensures your startup’s survival and sets the stage for exponential growth. The sooner you can reach this milestone, the higher your chances of success become.

As you embark on your startup journey, remember that the early days are filled with risk and uncertainty. However, by embracing the analogy of the baby turtle, you can shift your perspective and understand the importance of speed. Embrace the process of shipping quickly, gathering feedback, and iterating on your product. By doing so, you propel your startup closer to the coveted shores of product-market fit, where success awaits.

Remember, the path to success may be challenging, but with determination, resilience, and a focus on product-market fit, you can navigate the waters of entrepreneurship and thrive.



Imran Ahmad

Tech enthusiast, product visualiser nothing more or less.